Friday, June 30, 2006


you said
'you like words, I like touch'
au contraire
words are touch's memory
a torqued overture

you underestimate my insatiable appetite for lust
for want
for prolonged states of nothing else
but the strain of need
even if sorting through miles of syllables
pixels and syntax
yields only a moment to be an audience
to your charitable wickedness

how else does need blossom from a distance?
but by the prod of thought's sword
pricking a collection of points
with needling ideas
that sizzle libido to jump on its horse
and ride yonder toward its source

my feet dance among word mines
hardly avoiding their hot pointy edges
following a maze to your smile
a knowing smirk
that has seen it all so many times
the desperation
that has lured many by a mere curled finger
guiding its prey
toward the white of your fire

i would jump long after
the skill of your touch left its marks
replaying the ring of your voice's tone
the words like skeleton keys
still hanging around your neck
with my doors left wide open
creaking whimpers of want
of all i ever want
to suffer and remember it
and live in its afterbite

1 comment:

T said...

This is outstanding!! I followed your joint blog so I know what and who you're talking about...but even if I didn't I would still be swept away by the intensity of this. You have tremendous talent! Keep writing!