Thursday, January 12, 2006

Day 3

luckly the day ate me up
though i stir from deep sleep
twinge of need swirling
i esaped a long day of distraction
only to feel it more potently
nudge me from my slumber
and leave me now with a sharp calling

it winks at me
reminding me of its controller
and jarring the juices left stale and abandoned
you are its north pole
and whimpers crawl up my esophogus
invoked by the mere thought of you
and how your side glance captivates me

i need to be cloaked in this need
these are the ingredients of bondage
captivity of a mind desperate for drowning
wanting every gasp to be of your attention
attenuated by your blood-red-finger-nailed-twist of a knob
from the control room of your post
high above the dwellings of my ache
and the screams of my wanting

i am crawling
to a mirage of hope
but it is as real a pull
as the guide of a needle's pull
pointing to your electric wave
this is not yearning
it is an exodus of choice
leaving naked
my goosebumped skin
as i stroke oblivious to the wind


PSO Goddess said...

Beautiful posts honey. Keep it up.


jackoffclosetboy said...

WHIMPERrrrr, thank you so much Princess Grace...i am on a prolonged regimen of suffering that is taking its toll, and ringing out the words almost like auto-writing.

thank you for reading...i am honored.